TailTypeTailType Logo

Refine Your Online Writing Instantly

Leverage the power of OpenAI's ChatGPT technology in every text field. Spell check, grammar correction, style alteration, translation, and more - always only one click away!

Keyboard cat
App screenshot

Everything you need

All-in-one writing assistant

Improve your writing with the TailType Chrome extension, powered by AI. Perfect for anyone that wants to have the power of AI right where you write daily.

Correct Spelling and Grammar
Automatically fix spelling and grammar errors in your text, ensuring flawless content.
Text Style
Alter the style of your text with options like Casual, Professional, Formal, and more to match your tone.
Improve Text
Enhance the overall quality of your text and make your sentences shine.
Change Length
Adjust the length of your text, whether you want to shorten, expand, summarize, or simplify your content.
Change Language
Easily translate your text into multiple languages including English, Spanish, French, German, and more.
Add Hashtags
Generate relevant hashtags for your text, boosting the visibility of your content.
Explain Text
Need to understand complex text? The extension will provide clear explanations.
Rewrite your text in a different way while retaining its original meaning.
Formulate Response
Get assistance in formulating responses based on the context of your text.
Organize in Paragraphs
Structure your text into coherent paragraphs for better readability.
Surfing cat
App screenshot


Tailored plans to empower your writing

Whether you're an occasional writer, a professional content creator, or an organization with extensive writing needs, we have a plan designed just for you. Unleash the true potential of your words with TailType.



Ideal for personal use and exploring the capabilities of TailType.

  • Up to 30 queries per day
  • TailType button in every text field
  • Spell and grammar correction
  • Text enhancement
  • Text style alterations
  • Text length adjustment
  • Translation and paraphrasing
  • Hashtag generation
  • Text explanation and response formulation
  • Paragraph organization



Robust offering for professionals who require powerful writing tools.

  • All features of the Free tier
  • Up to 1000 queries per day

Frequently asked questions

How does TailType work?

TailType leverages OpenAI's ChatGPT model to improve and enhance your writing. When you type in a focused text area, you can open TailType quickly using the icon in the corner of the text area.

How do I start using TailType?

Once you've installed the TailType Chrome extension, you can start by clicking on the extension's button. This opens a popup with a list of modifiers which you can choose based on your needs.

What does the free plan offer?

The free plan allows you to perform up to 30 queries per day and lets you explore the basic functionalities of the extension.

What benefits do I get with the Pro Plan?

The Pro Plan provides up to 1000 queries per day, catering to those who require more frequent usage of the extension's features, such as professional writers, content creators, and businesses.

How is my data managed and stored?

Your input data, and outputs are saved only locally in the browser. You are the only one who can access your data. We take your privacy seriously and implement strict measures to ensure data security. The text that you input will be sent to the OpenAI API for processing but will not be stored on our servers.

What languages does TailType support?

TailType supports multiple languages including English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, Hindi, Turkish, and Indonesian.

Rocket cat

Upgrade your writing experience.
Start using TailType today.

Imagine a world where all your writing tasks become effortless. From spelling corrections to style enhancements, from translating to hashtag generation, TailType handles it all. Give it a try today!